Crossbow Twisted Grip

Straddle Spin On Spinning Pole

Attitude Aerial On Spinning Pole

Inverted V Clock On Spinning Pole

Pole Straddle To Twisted Grip Handspring

Pole Straddle To Split Grip Handspring

Regrip Basics

Regrip Ayesha To Cup Grip Handspring

Scorpio Tabletop Grip

Scorpio To Handspring

Shoulderstand Floorbased Straddle

Marion Amber

Marion Amber

Broken Barbie

Brass Monkey Hook To inverted Side V

Butterfly With Dragon Tail Grip

Handspring Power Training Started From Pole

Combination Shouldermount Into Cupid To Butterfly And Superman

Side Pole Straddle To Inverted V

Handspring From CKR

Dragontailgrip Dragonlady

Bunny Split

Handspring With Forearm Grip

Inverted Tight Hold Into Saggitarius

Bow and Arrow Split

Handspring Forearm Grip Variation

Handspring Aerial Deadlift

Handspring Side Straddle

Handspring Pencil To Pencil

Janeiro Split Without Hands